Carroll Family Healthcare

Patient Forms

For Your Health

Prescription Refills

Online refill system...

Before your visit...

Helpful Links...

Joni Stasiak MD

Steve Stasiak MD

Links Patient Forms site test page

Care for the entire family...

Medicine on the web...

A few links and such to help you stay healthy!

The amount of information on the Internet is vast and can be very helpful. Trying to decide what to trust, however, is a bit of a challenge.

The same goes for health related info on the web.  Many web sites offer useful information, while others are a bit...lets just say “questionable”.

Here are a few links for some of the more useful and reliable sites on healthcare to help answer questions you may have.  Just remember, though, if all your web searching is just getting you more frustrated and confused, come down and see us. We can work through your questions and concerns together. That’s why we are here!  

The Stasiaks

PS: Hey, we had to stick a picture of the little guy in here somewhere!
